In May I injured my shoulder, and it's definitely made life a bit more difficult. I fell off my bike and fractured the greater tuberosity of my right humerus. It's the part of the arm where the ligaments and muscle attach, making it painful to lift and lower my arm. I'm just now, in late July, to the point where I can do most things again. Even something as simple as putting the dishes away was difficult and painful. I'm lucky though, it could have been worse. I could have babies, I could have a physically demanding job. My physical therapist helped a lot, and I've reached that plateau where it's just going to take time to heal and gain my full range of motion back.
We've taken our annual family vacation in Maine where we camped for a week. The kids love this trip, as do I. There's such a sense of freedom there, the kids can roam, and you get to spend a week outdoors. We were fortunate to have really nice weather, despite the otherwise wet summer we seem to be having here in New England. The only downside to the trip this year was that we didn't get to spend time with my friend Suzanne and her family, as we have for the past few summers. Next year Suz!
One thing we're trying this year is a CSA. If you're not familiar with the term, it stands for Community Supported Agriculture. You purchase a share of a farm at the beginning of the year, and you receive a share of produce each week once harvesting begins. It's given us an opportunity to try some vegetables we've never heard of before (kohlrabi anyone?). This week, however, I am excited to see some favorites coming in to season. Corn on the cob! Tomatoes! I'm very excited to work these in to dinners this week.