So, I let my kids know that I am planning our meals for the next week, and gave them each a chance to put something they want on the menu. Hopefully this will help quell the inevitable complaints, knowing that something they want is coming up. Following are the ideas I have so far. I'm not sure if I will put them into a calendar or see what I feel like making each day. I have a feeling I'm going to have to be very structured, but of course I am resisting it ;)
* Tacos (O's choice)
* Black Bean Soup (L's choice)
* Hamburgers and fries (C's choice)
* Curried potatoes and chickpeas
* Pork tenderloin with herbed potatoes and southwestern corn
* Stir fry (fondly known as stir cry here)
* Tuna melts (R's choice)
* Mini pizzas
* Tofu nuggets (trying a recipe)
* Quesadillas
* Sandwiches
* Leftovers (how thrilling!)
Breakfast is generally a free-for-all of oatmeal, cream of wheat, cereal, or eggs. Since we are on vacation this week, I'm going to do a few mornings of a real, sit down breakfast including:
* Pancakes (with sweetpotato, shhhhh)
* Scrambled egg burritos
* French toast
* Crockpot oatmeal
If you know me, you know that this is an ambitious plan. I'm a wing-it person by nature, but it's not doing my family a whole lot of good. When I go shopping later, I'm going to try and squeeze in as many organics and healthy options as I can in my basic menu.
Since I can't post without a picture, here's what my kids are up to as I type.
Looks good! Soooo, talk to me about Curried potatoes and chickpeas. That sounds good...can you hold my hand through making that?
You can do it! Rah! Rah! Rah! (Can't you just see me in a cheerleaders uniform and bright pompoms?). Oh, and the funny part, I didn't even need the: "(C's choice)" to know who chose that meal!
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