One of the things I like to do in my spare (ha, ha) time is knit. I'm in a big sewing slump, and knitting affords me a creative outlet that's portable, relatively small and contained, and I can do it where the kids are.
So, I've been working on my first sweater for myself. It's Mr. Greenjeans from using yummy malabrigo worsted wool and so far it's been going well. I had to rip back to fix a mis-crossed cable and that was a pain, but I did it.

Well, I'm getting ready to bind off the bottom row and, oops! What's that? (pardon the flash)

That's right, I completely stopped crossing one of the cables! Not sure how I managed that feat of brilliance. Needless to say I was less than thrilled at the idea of frogging back three cable repeats to fix it (that's 12 long rows). After hunting around a bit, I found this
tute on Yarn Harlot about fixing cables gone wrong. As you can see above, I have inserted a spare needle and taken the live stitches off the needle. *Gulp* Wish me luck!
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